Financement pour la participation d’étudiants diplômés/Graduate Student Funding

The Canadian Southeast Asian Studies Initiative, based at the University of Victoria, has funding for graduate students to attend the conference. You must be a graduate student at one of the consortium universities studying Southeast Asia and/or its diasporas (Victoria, York, McGill, Montréal, Laval, Toronto, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia). You do not need to present… Continue reading Financement pour la participation d’étudiants diplômés/Graduate Student Funding

CCSEAS on social media! CCEASE est sur les réseaux sociaux

At long last, we have a new Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) Facebook page! We hope it will serve as a platform for community-building and information/knowledge sharing for the social sciences and humanities of Southeast Asia in Canada and beyond. Please share, and follow this space for imminent announcements about our 2021 conference! You… Continue reading CCSEAS on social media! CCEASE est sur les réseaux sociaux

Conference details at a glance

Conference and dinner registration | La date limite d’inscription Conference and dinner registration is available on-site (by cash or cheque) until 5pm on Thursday, 24 October 2019 in the Ballroom, Thomson House. L’inscription aux conférences et aux dîners est disponible sur place (en espèces ou par chèque) jusqu’au jeudi 24 octobre 2019, à 17 heures,… Continue reading Conference details at a glance

CCSEAS 2017 Photos & Videos

CCSEAS Photos: CCSEAS Video Links: Opening Address by Ricardo D. Trimillos (University of Hawai’i): Places and Spaces for Dancing and Musicking Filipinicity – Keynote Address by Goh Beng Lan (National University of Singapore): Silent Resistance in Malaysia: Changing Mindsets as New Radical Politics –

2017 Conference Program Available for Download

The CCSEAS Conference will be held at York University (Toronto) on 26-28 October 2017. CLICK HERE to download the program (updated 24 October) The 33rd Biennial Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) conference theme, “People In and Out of Place,” represents a long standing and yet often forgotten dynamic of a region known as… Continue reading 2017 Conference Program Available for Download

2017 CCSEAS Conference Welcome Reception

All conference participants and round table delegates are warmly invited to attend the 2017 CCSEAS Conference Welcome Reception on 26 October 2017 at 4 to 5 PM in Room 519 Kaneff Tower, following the “Canada-ASEAN at 50” round table discussion.

2017 CCSEAS Panel Posters (updated)

Read the conference program (PDF). 26 October | 27 October | 27-28 October | Documentary Screenings 26 October Special Panel: “ASEAN and Canada at 50: Common Fears and Common Hopes” Keynote Address: Ricardo D. Trimillos 27 October Special Panels in Honour of Judith Nagata and Penny van Esterik Keynote Address: Goh Beng Lan Dinner with… Continue reading 2017 CCSEAS Panel Posters (updated)